ClinTex, a fully distributed clinical trial intelligence platform.

 ClINTEX, a fully distributed clinical trial intelligence platform that offers sustainable solutions to problems in the global pharmaceutical industry.

The world medicine industry has very strict rules, all of which are being fully enforced to ensure that new drugs do not have side effects.

This is why drug manufacturers spend so much money and time on their various products.

Ultimately, drugs have to go through several stages before they can be approved for public consumption, at a cost of $ 800,000,000.

In this post, I will talk about a revolutionary Blockchain-based pharmaceutical company that aims to reduce the additional cost of clinical trials.

The drug approval process is cumbersome and time-consuming, and the increased costs involved in clinical trials are based on statistics.

Examples include: (i) data acquisition (ii) laboratory tests ((iii)) patients and other human test foams (iv) researchers (v) data management and general analysis.

The ClinTex is focused on reducing the complexity associated with clinical trials.

That is, the longest duration and the highest cost of conducting all these clinical trials using disruptive models.

ClinTex will revolutionize the entire pharmaceutical industry with its innovative invention.

The goal of the ClinTex  team is to create a pharmaceutical company that facilitates clinical trial intelligence, an important evolution in the global pharmaceutical industry as a whole.

ClinTex  solutions also include the implementation of Blockchain technology and machine learning through smart contracts to facilitate and facilitate clinical trials.

This approach will break existing cost constraints, thereby reducing the extraordinary cost inclusion in traditional systems and initiating efficiency and transparency in the global pharmaceutical industry.

The ClinTex  Platform will deliver irreplaceable data and clinical test results that you can trust.

In addition, ClinTex  will be immersed in powerful and highly insightful data analysis functions that will be more helpful to stakeholders and the media to solve all kinds of problems

You will be able to identify before it adversely affects testing, time and workflow The clinical intelligence platform established by ClinTex  is a global ecosystem to promote collaboration

Issues Associated with Clinical Trials in the Global Child Care Industries and Solutions Provided by ClinTex  (CTI)

(i) Extremely high cost of testing: the cost of a drug in a market is US $ 2.5 billion and daily clinical trials cost US $ 8.8 billion per day

There is a delay in which this value eventually burns the patient.

ClinTex  will completely reduce these costs, providing a quality, fast and cheap drug delivery service for the patient in need.

(ii) Poor data systems: data quality problems, especially in traditional clinical trial settings.

Clin Tex  has developed seven apps that can easily capture and can correct systematic errors, leading to better results.

(iii) Lack of cooperation: There is a lack of cooperation between industry players.

When knowledge or discovery is combined, the best products are often produced.

There is a lack of cooperation in the global medicine industry and this is one of the main reasons why the Covid-19 epidemic has caused so much damage to the world.

Clin Tex  will create an ecosystem that will create an arena for experts in the medical industry around the world to share more medical ideas and knowledge without hindrance.

In some cases, the ecosystem will create rooms and allow them to increase in value.

(iv) Evaluation and delay: this is the main problem in the industry.

There is a complex set of rules that delay and slow down the development of clinical trials of a promising drug.

Sometimes it takes up to 15 years for a drug to be successfully approved for use by patients.

The Clin Tex  platform has emerged to reverse this negative trend, the platform will be show good results .






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ClinTex, a fully distributed clinical trial intelligence platform. ClinTex, a fully distributed clinical trial intelligence platform. Reviewed by online marketing on 3:40 PM Rating: 5

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