DEGO Finance Defi with Sustainability Token


Recently, we have seen a surge in Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Significant growth around DeFI and FOMO sentiment have created a number of new cryptocurrency investors and developers in space and boosted the interest of traditional financial players. Everyone is looking for the best investment opportunities and pearls in the world.

What is DEGO?

DEGO Finance Defi with Sustainability Token

Dego is a defi token. Things will be different at DEGO Market .


The DEGO uses the combined modular construction concept. Modularity is a combination of different product elements that form a subsystem with specific functions. They combine this subsystem with other modules as a universal module to create a new system with many features and functionality.

In short, each product can be viewed as a module. After connecting the different modules, a new product emerges, giving a 1 + 1= 2 effect. Lego bricks are the best example and inspiration of these modules. Every brick is simple and trivial, but when assembled it opens up endless possibilities.

DEGO Defi is Lego in the world. Each DeFI protocol is like a brick, it can be Stable Coin (DAI), Flash Loan (Aave, Compound), DEX Exchange (Uniswap and Balancer), Derivative (Synthetix), Insurance (Nexus Mutual). Based on these basic protocols, and will build a new decentralized  application that will add value to DeFI, create diversified investment portfolios and provide significant financial returns to consumers, and the future of financial services. There will also be a way.

 Welcome  to  all Defi fans, farmers, crypto hobbyists, DeFi supporters, and the world to join our community.

DEGO protocol  a decentralized finance with sustainability

Yield Farming has recently been in the limelight and discussion in the broader crypto community,  A new era of downsides through liquidity mining.

Popular formulas to undermine current liquidity:

Daily productivity of each user amount added to daily production in the mining pond , Total amount saved.

According to this model, whales are the winners, they can easily win almost all advertising and real estate awards. And this is a difficult game for crabs. With the rise of productive agriculture, whales are the most common problem for unruly farmers.

To address this problem and move towards a more resilient DeFi ecosystem, they are extracting liquidity with algorithmic adjustments.

At DEGO, they will use a set of deterministic algorithms for liquidity mining, converting LP tokens accumulated by users into power (for example, Bitcoin mining hashtags) and Earn money with them through this model:

Daily production per user Daily production of mountain ponds Capacity , Total capacity.

Since the total number of subscribers increases by 100 people, the worst limit and the best limit are increased by 10 spaces, up to a maximum of 50 people.

If the customer stays less than three days, 10% of the income is deducted at the time of the refund and the profit is transferred to the common fund.

Thanks to the DEGO protocol, Which  can create a more decentralized and sustainable liquidity mining ecosystem.

DEGO will launch its tester on the Ethereum network in the next two days. They invite everyone to join them  and be part of the next generation of liquidity extraction systems.



Proof of Authentication


DEGO Finance Defi with Sustainability Token DEGO Finance Defi with Sustainability Token Reviewed by online marketing on 3:30 PM Rating: 5

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